Enterprise Support Programme (ESP)
Scope of programme
Funding Amount and Principles
Expenditure Items Funded
Application Process
Reminder of Application Submission
Solicitation Themes
Relocation Rental Support Project
Industry Support Programme (ISP)
Scope of programme
Funding Amount and Principles
Expenditure Items Funded
Application Process
Reminder of Application Submission
Solicitation Theme
Online Application Submission

Standard Project
In order to provide targeted assistance to facilitate small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to upgrade their operation efficiency and enhance their capability, a streamlined programme is available for applicants to implement Standard Project (SP) under the Enterprise Support Programme (ESP).
Other than the eligibility stated under ESP, the following enterprise is also eligible to apply for “Standard Project – $1M”:
- Local manufacturers who can partner with local recyclers for supplying local recyclables to make plastic or paper products.
- Local manufacturers who have been using local recyclables as raw materials to make plastic or paper products.
All SP applications received would be assessed and submitted to the RFAC for consideration in six months starting from the receipt date according to the merits of individual applications.
Standard Project – $1M
To provide more timely support to the recycling industry, all relevant expenditure incurred for “SP – $1M” as early as after the date of submission of application can be recognised and funded, provided that the application is finally approved by the RFAC and the applicants have followed the prevailing requirements (e.g. with adequate number of quotations) in conducting the procurement process.
The funding ceiling for each Standard Project application is HK$1,000,000 or 50% of the approved total estimated project cost, whichever is less. The cumulative funding ceiling under SP-$1M for each applicant (and its related persons) is HK$2,000,000. Project measures may include:
- Attending training courses to upgrade the skills of employees and / or enhance the safety and health standards and productivity of enterprises
- Join accreditation / registration schemes to enhance the capability, capacity, efficiency or skills of enterprises
- Conducting occupational safety and health audits or carrying out measure(s) as specified in the safety and health audit of enterprises to improve occupational safety and health (OSH) standards or conducting environmental audit to assess the compliance with relevant requirement or environmental performance
- Procurement/ installation of prescribed equipment or machineries for fostering good practices and reducing nuisances
- Procurement/ installation of prescribed small-scale equipment / hardware / machineries for enhancement of capability, capacity, operation efficiency and skills
- Upgrading the capability of recyclers in collecting, transporting and processing local recyclables or manufacturing recycled products from local recyclables
The cumulative funding ceiling per applicant under the ESP is HK$15 million. During the tenure of the ESP, funding support will be granted to each applicant for a maximum of ten approved projects. Funding for Standard Project will count towards the cumulative funding ceiling and the maximum number of approved projects under the ESP. An application under the Standard Project may be rejected if it is made to circumvent any prescribed limit and requirement under the ESP.