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  9. Fung Tat Trading Co. ESP-2021-22-004 (Project Details)
参考編號 ESP-2021-22-004
成功申請人 豐達貿易公司
項目概要 回收廢棄混凝土製成石屎磚,出售給建築工地用作界標。
開始日期 籌備中
結束日期 籌備中
項目時期(月) 48
資助金額約數(港幣) $2,690,000
涉及的回收物類別 建築廢料
目標處理量(1)(2)(3)(公噸) 45,400



Protection of the Project Data Confidentiality

Project Details

Enterprise Support Programme

Standard Project
Relocation Rental Support Project
Projects from New and Start-up Enterprises
One-off Rental Support Scheme
One-off Recycling Industry Anti-epidemic Scheme
Industry Support Programme

Supporting Residential Buildings in Adopting Smart Bins Technology in Food Waste Collection and Recycling

One-off Frontline Recycling Staff Support Scheme
Project Details
Project Details
Reference No. ESP-2021-22-004
ApplicantsFung Tat Trading Co.
Project Summary
Commencement Date
Completion Date
Project Duration (Months) 48
Approximate Approved Amount (HKD) $2,690,000
Type(s) of Recyclables
Target Quantity Processed(1)(2)(3)(tonnes) 45,400

(1) Target quantity processed refers to the quantity of recyclables expected to be collected for the whole project.
(2) The figures are rounded to the nearest hundred.
(3) Some Industry Support Programmes aim to enhance the overall capability and productivity of the recycling industry, including providing training courses to enhance the skills of recycling practitioners, enhancing safety and health standards and certification/ registration schemes, developing guidelines and setting up economic incentive schemes, etc., and therefore no target quantity processed was set.