Enterprise Support Programme (ESP)
Scope of programme
Funding Amount and Principles
Expenditure Items Funded
Application Process
Reminder of Application Submission
Standard Project
Solicitation Themes
Relocation Rental Support Project
Industry Support Programme (ISP)
Funding Amount and Principles
Expenditure Items Funded
Application Process
Reminder of Application Submission
Solicitation Theme
Online Application Submission

Scope of programme
The Industry Support Programme (ISP) subsidises non-profit making projects for enhancing the operational standards and productivity of the industry, including upgrading the skills and safety of incumbent and potential employees of the local recycling industry and / or expanding its potential workforce, as well as certification and accreditation of recycling operations, etc. Funded projects should be for the benefit of the industry as a whole rather than for individual enterprises, and the project outcome should be open for sharing with members of the industry. The need, viability and cost-efficiency of proposed projects would be assessed.