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- Application
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- Enterprise Support Programme (ESP)
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- Funding Amount and Principles
Enterprise Support Programme (ESP)
Scope of programme
Expenditure Items Funded
Application Process
Reminder of Application Submission
Standard Project
Solicitation Themes
Relocation Rental Support Project
Industry Support Programme (ISP)
Scope of programme
Funding Amount and Principles
Expenditure Items Funded
Application Process
Reminder of Application Submission
Solicitation Theme
Online Application Submission

Funding Amount and Principles
Funding would be provided on a matching basis, i.e. the Government will cover a maximum of 50% of the total approved project cost and the enterprise has to contribute no less than 50% of the total approved project cost in cash.
Funding support will be granted to each enterprise for a maximum of ten approved projects and the cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise is $15 million.
The duration of the Enterprise Support Programme (regular projects) shall be at least 1 year to demonstrate stable performance in achieving the project objectives. All approved project should be completed within 4 years. On the other hand, duration of Standard Projects should be within 1 year.
Related persons, i.e. enterprises with different business registration certificates but having the same individual(s) holding 30% or more ownership (detailed definition in Guide to Application), would be treated as one single enterprise for the purpose of calculating the cumulative funding amount (i.e. subject to the cumulative funding ceiling of $15 million). Applicants are required to declare in the application form as to whether any of their related persons have applied for or received funding support under the Recycling Fund at the time of application.